Wednesday, December 1, 2021

kilograms every single week

 that you can pinch known as subcutaneous fat the more dangerous fat is the fat around your abdomen and the fat around your internal organs known as visceral fat now we know that high mass of visceral fat can increase your risk of heart disease can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes and at women it's even be shown to increase the risk of breast cancer now this diet comes from a study done in Oxford and if it's done correctly you can expect to lose Northpoint 5 to 1 kilograms every single week which is amazing but here's the bed after six weeks the individuals also saw a reduction in their visceral fat this sort of fat is a dangerous fat we just spoke about the reduction was about 14% they also saw a reduction in their blood pressure they also saw a reduction in their cholesterol and they also saw a reduction in their waistline 5 centimetres to be exact that's pretty amazing right and this is without any additional exercise so it's just dietary advice so without further ado let's learn the diet ok so here's how it works you're going to be eating measured portion sizes of different types of foods and to measure those portion sizes you're going to be using your hand which matches your size really really well also if you really want to start to work you need to stop eating snacks and also you need to stop being takeaway food and fast food too so each day you should aim to eat the following three fish size servings of starchy carbohydrates like potatoes pasta rice and many more don't worry about remembering what I'm saying as well I'm gonna leave it all in the description below full detailed


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